While you're alive: a Review Playerunknown's Battlegrounds

While you're alive: a Review Playerunknown's Battlegrounds

to Say that the first four attempts were disappointing, so much to downplay the scale of the problem. In total, in the first matches PUBG on PS4 I managed to survive on the strength of fifteen minutes. It was humiliating. At that moment I thought that the Royal rumble survival of the fittest was wrong. The following ten matches in Playerunknown”s Battlegrounds have taught me that the art of survival is much thinner and more refined than the typical running around with guns blazing.

IN PUBG you can spend dozens of hours, but she still finds the opportunity to teach you a lesson. This is the case when the teacher is always wiser student. Players here learn not only the bare mechanics, but also adopt each other’s experiences.

a year and a half ago the world went crazy from the love of battle Royal. However, this is not surprising: at the core of all the excitement. A hundred people throw on a large map without weapons and gear, and there cool as you want no matter what. I vividly remember my first feeling of confusion and a constant feeling of anxiety. It seemed to me that danger is everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Technically the way it is, playing in Playerunknown”s Battlegrounds have all the time to look around the sides, waiting for the blow. Even locked in the house (you have to make sure that no one was there) to dig in the inventory and involuntarily glancing at the door.

Now PUBG offers four large and different from each other card. They seem to be all that it would take a novice Rambo. However, a detailed study will take a lot of time and tens of matches where you want to live more than one and a half minutes. It’s harder than it might seem at first glance, and some obvious problems will not make the survival process easier.

introducing Playerunknown”s Battlegrounds surprised me not only cruel to newcomers, but the unresponsive controls on PS4. In the heat of debut on the battle field you risk to be in a position where being wounded will spend precious minutes on the analysis of its inventory. In one of the first fights I was able to fend off the first attacker (i.e. kill them), but the character was seriously injured. On the floor lay the bandage and I immediately picked it up. Already sounded the alarm in a matter of seconds, I was required to leave the territory, not to be outside of the battlefield. I ran out of the house and headed across the field to the nearest shelter: at the time, was lucky I did not catch a bullet from the same random defector. Ideally, this should not be, but I’ve been thinking and see this as a positive side — an additional challenge that will intensify the situation, though due to the artificially created difficulties by the same developers.

For hours spent in PUBG, I have with alarming regularity has varied the pace of the game: at one point, I sneak close to the fence, a few moments later headlong run across open areas hoping not to get shot in the back. Found transport can be both salvation and damnation — the truck just can not hide in the bushes. The most obvious tactic is to lie low somewhere in the bathroom of the small house and wait until someone comes. To surprise unsuspecting fighter easily, but the constant narrowing of the range of the battle makes an important and mandatory in my opinion adjustments — does not sit long in place and encourages mobility. The constant movement creates a unique situation, turning every fight into a generator of tension and adventure. This is their passion, after all, the lion’s share of success depends not only on your skill and prudence, but also from the banal coincidences, good luck. Let me, perhaps a crude analogy, but it PUBG poker, betting and lottery in one person whose main purpose is to send to the light of more people and survive longer.

People continue to come in PUBG in spite of the many technical problems, just as playing cards despite the financial loss and addiction to risk it all. Frankly, even now the game looks wet and is more like a project from early access: annoying bugs and sometimes the curves of the animation, the lack of visual widgets for graphics is still a bad interface. All of this knocks down the degree of pleasure, but we still go back. I’ll be back, although I wrote this text.

I Now understand the phenomenon of “battle Royal” — emotions. High dynamics and youthful enthusiasm make me feel like a winner every second. Every second you’re alive.


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