PUBG’s latest patch is full of small features players have wanted for years

PUBG’s latest patch is full of small features players have wanted for years

The latest patch for just launched on the game’s test servers with a few long-requested features. Just a few weeks ago, developer PUBG Corp. released PUBG’s new season along with the updated version of Erangel in one of the game’s biggest patches ever. This time around, the patch isn’t quite so drastic and is more focused on smaller quality-of-life improvements for the game.

One big addition this patch makes that isn’t quality-of-life-focused is the addition of thunderstorms to Erangel. The map’s new overcast weather setting will make the map darker and more treacherous. In matches where the map is overcast, the weather will change dynamically over the course of play and can shift between cloudy, windy, foggy, hail, light rain, or a full-on thunderstorm. Each of these different weather types will have different visuals and sounds that change how much of the map players can hear or see.

PUBG’s 4.2 update also adds the ability to turn on and off vehicle engines. It may not sound like much, but in the past, engines would sometimes stay on, and sometimes turn off, inconsistently. Since PUBG’s often a game about the element of surprise, a car that won’t stop running can be a dead giveaway to your hiding spot. Likewise, the ability to leave a car running as bait for the enemy team is now a more consistent option for setting traps.

PUBG Corp. also made a few changes to the way the aiming reticle looks against particularly bright backgrounds. That means that when you aim into the sky, a grey mountain, or the snowfields of Vikendi, you shouldn’t lose track of where you’re aiming anymore.

PUBG patch 4.2 is currently available on the game’s test server. Once it’s been put through its paces in testing, which should last a week or two, the patch will make its way to live servers. For a look at everything that’s currently on the test server as part of patch 4.2, you can see the below.

PUBG patch 4.2 notes


Vehicle Handling Improvements

  • Improved vehicle handling of the Scooter, Snowmobile, Snowbike and Motorcycle with Sidecar, thus improving overall driving stability.

Motorcycle with Sidecar off-road driving control and stability has been greatly improved.

Altered Blue Zone Edge Visual Effect

  • To improve the gameplay experience, the rolling shimmer effect seen while at the edge of the Blue Zone will no-longer be seen at the center of the screen where the player is aiming.

Improved Visibility of Reticles Against Bright Backgrounds

  • Visibility of all sight and scope reticles against bright backgrounds (such as Vikendi snowfields) has been slightly improved.

Throwables Friction Adjustment

Adjusted the friction force of throwables to make rolling movement more consistent and predictable.

  • Smoke Grenades

Friction force has been increased to slow rolling speed and cause them to roll a shorter distance after impacting surfaces.

  • Stun Grenades & Frag Grenades

Friction force has been decreased to speed up the rolling speed and increase distance they can travel after impacting surfaces.

Vehicle Engine Toggle

  • Vehicle engines can now be turned off/on by pressing ‘Z’.

The engine can be turned off while driving, after gaining momentum and can be used for quiet, tactical maneuvers.

Once the engine is off, pressing ‘W’ to accelerate or ‘Z’ will start the engine again.

Vehicle engines will automatically be turned off if the vehicle stays at a standstill for 8 seconds, or 2 seconds after the driver disembarks.

Sound QoL Improvements

  • Added master volume preview
  • The master volume can now be previewed while in the menu, to better allow users to set their preferred maximum volume level.

This can be founder under Settings – Audio – Sound – Master volume and by clicking on the ‘play’ button.

  • Added Instant Volume Reducer

This new feature temporary decreases the volume of games sound effects to facilitate more clear communication with teammates.

Use ‘F7’ to reduce game master volume, while maintaining the volume of voice chat.

Use ‘F7’ key again to return to the original volume


Overcast Weather added to Erangel

  • When a match starts with overcast weather on Erangel, the weather will change dynamically over the course of the match between overcast, windy, hail, light rain, heavy rain (rain with lightning and thunder), and fog.

Destructible Objects on Erangel

  • Additional destructible pylons and barricades have been added to Erangel. They can be destroyed by vehicles, weapons and explosions, but do provide a limited amount of cover until they are destroyed.

Some existing objects which were previously indestructible are now destructible, such as the traffic cones in Mylta.

Vikendi Ambient Noise Adjustment

  • Volume of Vikendi’s ambient wind noise has been reduced.

Removal of PUBG Esports Signage

  • As MET Asia Series and PUBG Nations Cup have now concluded, in-game signage across various maps and the starting plane has been removed.


In-game HUD Improvements

  • Helmet and vest health is now better visualized on the UI, along with Backpack capacity.
  • Weapon firing mode is now represented visually by icons, instead of text.
  • To reduce unnecessary clutter, certain HUD and UI elements are no-longer displayed when waiting to start a match.
  • Game version number, server identifier and other information is now located beneath the minimap, instead of the HP bar.

Store UI Improvement

  • BP purchasable items are now marked with a BP icon in Store to better differentiate BP and cash items.


  • Made performance improvements to mitigate client hitching/stuttering in certain situations.

Custom Match

  • Added Erangel Visual Update option to Custom Matches

Erangel Visual Update will be called “Erangel” and the previous version will be called “Erangel Classic”.

All game modes will be playable on both Erangel variants.

  • Team leaderboard UI seen in observer mode has been changed to allow 4 character team tags (previously 3).


  • The replay system has been updated. Replay files from previous updates are now unavailable for use.

Skins & Items

New skins are available at in-game Store once PC Update 4.2 hits live servers.

  • New BP purchasable items

Vector & SLR BattleStat skins

2 Madsy Shoes

  • Twitch Broadcaster Royale Group 9 skins

More information will be released via an official announcement for Group 9 of Twitch Broadcaster Royale skins will be released after Update #4.2 arrives on live servers

  • Added Regional Esports Baseball Bat skins in celebration of 2019 Phase 3 of PUBG Esports.
  • Added Rabbit Season Set items, which can be found in the Featured Page of the in-game Store.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where other players would appear to enter the ground temporarily when the network environment is poor.
  • Fixed an issue in which throwables appear to shake or display incorrectly when the network environment is poor.
  • Fixed an issue where throwables would roll a longer than intended distance on slopes.
  • Fixed an issue when walking backwards against the corner of objects, you couldn’t hear your own footsteps, although they were audible by other players.
  • Fixed an issue where the item use sound was not audible when using an Adrenaline Syringe or Med kit with the -KoreanRating launch option.
  • Fixed an issue where First aid kit, Adrenaline Syringe and Energy drink could sometimes not be heard from while in spectator view.
  • Fixed an issue where Aqua Rail’s speed while reversing was almost same as when moving forward.
  • Fixed an issue where constant collision noises could be heard when a vehicle was stationary against an object or terrain.
  • Fixed an issue where vehicles can jitter and start rolling slowly while parked on an angled slope.
  • Fixed an issue where weapon scope zoom was reset after performing specific actions.
  • Fixed an issue where character animations are skewed when using an emote while affected by a Molotov.
  • Fixed an issue where dropping weapons could only be heard by the player dropping the weapon.
  • Fixed an issue where a faintly cross-shaped line was visible when the Holographic Sight reticle is set to max brightness.
  • Fixed an issue where the BRDM-2 can sometimes sink if landing in water from the parachute.
  • Fixed an issue where an active boost gauge would display when the UI was disabled.
  • Fixed an issue where a placed marker’s location would change on the compass in some cases after opening the map and inventory in sequence.
  • Fixed an issue where the Canted Sight binding would reset if set to alt + mouse wheel.
  • Fixed an issue where the incorrect player name would display when spectating a disconnected player.
  • Fixed an issue where raindrops could pass through certain vehicle roofs.
  • Fixed an issue where character head models are not shown in replay or spectator when players enter the motorbike sidecar seat.
  • Fixed an issue where footsteps could in some situations be heard intermittently from dead players.
  • Fixed an issue where the key guide text was shown when spectating after dying in a squad match
  • Fixed an issue where throwables couldn’t be directly picked up and equipped in the item slot when the backpack was full.
  • Fixed an issue where the healing amount while using multiple bandages with the auto-bandage feature was less than if using them individually.

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