Until October 30, PUBG can be bought on Steam for half the price

Until October 30, PUBG can be bought on Steam for half the price

In honor of the launch of the fifth season in PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, the developers temporarily reduced the cost of the game: during the week (from October 23 to 30) PUBG can be purchased on Steam with a 50% discount – for 474.5 rubles.

Parachutes have already appeared here. True, players simply appeared in random areas of the sky with open parachutes, and the choice of locations for landing was limited. As soon as Brendan Green finished advising the creators of H1Z1, he received an offer from the Korean studio Bluehole, which also wanted to create its own Battle Royale. The guru of the “royal battles” was appointed creative director of the company and received complete freedom of creativity. Never before has a foreigner held such a high post in an exclusively Korean company.

This part can be skipped. Seriously. Here is just one of those tales that friends exchange in smoking rooms when they brag about taking top-1. But why should this story be here? Because this is what PUBG is loved for. Like any sandbox, it generates dozens of unique situations and stories that each will have their own.


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