PUBG Season Six Gameplay Trailer

PUBG Season Six Gameplay Trailer

Most recently, developers shared some details about the sixth season regarding PUBG. Now they have published a gameplay trailer in which they demonstrated a new weapon, equipment and a desert map – Karakin.

Created by Brandan Green – the author of the Battle Royale mod for ArmA 2, known as PLAYERUNKNOWN. He also helped develop the King of the Kill mode for the H1Z1. In fact, Green single-handedly formed a new genre, now conditionally called battle royale.

The match begins with a flight on an airplane. We select the attracted point, check the parachute – and go! In PLAYERUNKNOWN’S BATTLEGROUNDS, a hundred players in the post-Soviet era land on the fictional island of Erangel in the Black Sea. The island is abandoned: everywhere the collapsed “Cossacks” and our native “UAZ”, and the walls are full of revolutionary inscriptions. Local residents clearly left in a hurry and left a lot of useful items: weapons, ammunition and equipment.


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