PUBG – New rabbit skin

PUBG – New rabbit skin

With the new season, new skins will appear in PUBG.

PUBG, or PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds, is a multiplayer game that positions itself as a representative of the new Battle Royale genre. What kind of genre is this I will explain later, but, in essence, this is just a multiplayer action game in which you can play both alone and in a team.

There are three game modes. The first is a single player game in which you fight on the principle of “all against all.” The second is a pair game. It is easier to play a duet, however, you need to consider that your opponents also have a partner and, having killed one, you can run into the second. In addition, in this mode, as in team mode, the player is usually not killed immediately, he is left with time to recover. “Resurrect” a companion can only his partner and this requires a first-aid kit. If you are shot, you can crawl into cover and call a friend for help.


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