PUBG MOBILE: Treasures of the Seven Seas

PUBG MOBILE: Treasures of the Seven Seas

Those who have ever aspired to become a captain may like the Seven Seas costume, while those more prone to piracy may prefer the Black Jasmine set. Well, if you want to pay less attention to production, then the suit ‘Marine .

First we jump out of the plane and land at a certain point on the huge map, then we search the area, find weapons and start the battle not for life, but for death with hundreds of players like us. The last survivor (or survivors, no one has canceled the squad) becomes the winner and receives Battle Points due, for which you can buy boxes with things (don’t affect the balance of clothes, watch and learn, EA!).

Good news for anyone who wants a first-person view. Now in the match settings you can select the FPP mode, in which you can not switch to the view from the third, so that from now on the survival process becomes as honest as possible. Or almost. After all, the developers could not completely solve the problem of cheating, although, according to their claims, more than a million accounts of dishonest gamers were blocked.


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